Yoghurt 101: Nutritious Benefits for Growing Children in Childcare

Yoghurt is a fantastic snack for children in childcare. It’s not only tasty and edible for children of all ages but is also packed with nutrients; easy to store, serve and clean-up; and extremely kid-friendly!

Nutrition and Taste!

One major concern with many yoghurts is the high sugar content. At The Wellbeing Food Co, we understand this but also recognise the immense nutritional value yoghurt offers, particularly its high levels of calcium for strong bones and healthy bodies.

That’s why we’ve found the perfect balance. Our newly introduced traditional Greek yoghurt contains no added sugar, sweetened only with 100% fruit puree. This ensures a wholesome, nutritious, and delicious snack for little humans who need low sugar intake!



Bountiful Bacteria (the good kind 😉)

Yoghurt is made from milk that undergoes heating, cooling, and fermentation. Live cultures aid this fermentation process and provide significant health benefits. Some live cultures are even considered probiotics, which are beneficial to a child’s gut microbiome.

Our gut contains TRILLIONS of bacteria, far outnumbering the cells in our bodies. When probiotics are introduced, they occupy space that harmful bacteria (pathogens) would otherwise take.

Recent science suggests that gut health affects much more than we once realised, even impacting mental health and wellbeing! That’s some powerful yoghurt! Other well-known benefits include boosted immune systems, better digestion, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Our yoghurt specifically contains ABC cultures, which are excellent for promoting a healthy belly.


Fresh is Best!

What’s even better is we also prioritise locally made and grown products. Supporting local Aussie farmers and businesses ensures the freshest yoghurt, maximising its probiotic benefits. The longer yoghurt sits before consumption, the fewer probiotics remain active.

Be sure to organise a taste test today on behalf of your children in childcare.  This way you’ll get the chance to not only enjoy our new variety of yoghurt first-hand but also our range of yummy meals and snacks. All which are underpinned and backed by our leading allergen management technology.

Don’t play with the risk of food.  Let us lighten your load and take this off your plate with our safe, stress-free and scrumptious meal solution.